on Rose: Pilipinas shirt and random shorts. Aldo sunnies. random floppy hat. Longchamp large tote.
The sister and I were fortunate enough to score Davis Cup tickets with freebies. A Pilipinas shirt and cap were the very things i need to keep me smiling even after the match. and much yaaay to Cecil Mamiit and Treat Huey for winning the doubles!

Day 2, March 5, 2011 result:
T. HUEY, C. MAMIIT : 6-1 7-6 6-2 : Y. SUGITA , T. SUZUKI

It was a bit of a disappointment though that we weren't able to make it on the 3rd and final day. oh well. it was after all a Sunday, a day for some RR with the family :)

Wear It Proud

on Rose: Pilipinas shirt and random shorts. Aldo sunnies. random floppy hat. Longchamp large tote. The sister and I were fortunate enough to score Davis Cup ti…

Of pearls, wide leg trousers and floppy hats

What I wore to the Davis Cup Philippines vs. Japan Day 1 held at Plantation Bay. March 4, 2011. R1 - C. MAMIIT : 4-6 7-6(5) 3-6 7-6(3) 7-9 : T. ITO R2 - J. AR…

More missing

i miss loving with wild abandon. it's something i haven't done in a long time. ebay lace tube dress. SM Surplus denim button down. downtown shop layere…

Giveaway Winner!

CONGRATULATIONS Liv Reyes! please check your yahoo mail! :) Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest. Rest assured that this isn't the last of it…

Cebu Fashion Blogger, Flared Jeans, Seventies Trend, Seventies Fashion, Cebu Bloggers, Cebu Fashion Bloggers
Cebu Fashion Blogger, Flared Jeans, Seventies Trend, Seventies Fashion, Cebu Bloggers, Cebu Fashion Bloggers
Cebu Fashion Blogger, Flared Jeans, Seventies Trend, Seventies Fashion, Cebu Bloggers, Cebu Fashion Bloggers
Cebu Fashion Blogger, Flared Jeans, Seventies Trend, Seventies Fashion, Cebu Bloggers, Cebu Fashion Bloggers

Time check: 12:50am. Right now, I should have eaten my breakfast and drank my first cup of coffee. An hour ago, I should have carefully picked out my outfit for the night. A few minutes from now, I should be out that door and speeding off to the ever bustling Asia Town IT Park stopping by Shell Select along the way to buy my energy drink; Lemon Sola. I should be getting ready for work but right now I am not. I am here glued to our dining table with my three 3-inch thick books, two large notebooks, a couple of black pens, a half-dozen highlighter pens, a pad of pink Post-its, my green Post-it flag highlighter and my third glass of Coke. Yes, I am back there once again. Back to reading, note-taking and cramming. Back to stressing out so much on medical terminologies, pathophysiology and some other nursing whatnots. No, I'm not getting ready for any exam, I am merely preparing for hospital work. And Yes again, I stress myself out that much. No wonder I already have a couple of nasty zits on my forehead.

I already miss my officemates even though we update each other through SMS/Facebook/Gmail everyday. I miss the late night drive to work. I miss dressing up. I miss the before-shift shindigs, the office shenanigans, the ever short 30-minute lunch breaks, the even shorter 15-minute bio/smoke/time-for-some-fresh-air breaks, and of course, the after-shift food trips/videoke madness. And I also miss dressing up. My favorite hangout place (our before-shift fave spot and my favorite brokenhearted days haven) will not exude the same high-spirited and positive vibe if I am not with them lovelies. The Outpost I will forever associate with my first workmates. Wait, have I mentioned how much I miss my officemates and dressing up already? :)
I miss you, locarettes! Where to next weekend? :))

Oh and please don't forget to join my 1st Blog Giveaway!

Jane Norman Chiffon top - gifted. Aeropostale Cali Flare jeans. Gojane Wild Diva red wedges. Red bucket bag - eBay. Old Navy Red sunglasses. Feather earrings and necklace - Accessorize. Forever21 connector and double rings. Lushae Jewelry Champagne ring. Sapphire & Aquamarine ring - mom&dad

What's there not to miss?

Time check: 12:50am. Right now, I should have eaten my breakfast and drank my first cup of coffee. An hour ago, I should have carefully picked o…

1st Blog Giveaway

A good 4 months ago, I made mention about hosting a blog giveaway to show my appreciation to each and everyone of you gorgeous ladies (and gents) for cont…

I need color, I need flavor. will you be my little jar of pepper?

i wanna do something different with my hair. either i chop it all off or have it straightened. what to do? I seriously need another dose of breather before I t…

Spot the difference

A few weeks from now, I will have to kiss my ankle breakers goodbye and box them well again in lieu of a pair of rubber sneaks. After what seemed like …


I've got nothing else to say except..I'm running after bliss this year. I will run after things that give meaning and substance t…

You have stolen my heart

It's that time of the year that you wish for good weather all year round. The time of the year that makes you analyze, reanalyze and overanalyze your life-…

Christmas Wishlist

So I've finally gotten around to do my very last minute Christmas shopping before I spazzed out of stress from too much play, work and hmm have I mentioned…

For all things black and menthol

So what's a city girl to do when she feels she's had too much of the city life? She packs up her things in a jiffy, grabs her iPod and speakers, and al…

Teaser Pleaser

Sorry if I've been M.I.A. lately again lovelies. So much has transpired over the past couple of weeks and my weekends (and days off) have been booked until…

What A Girl Wants Party

No heavy downpour could ever stop the people from partying at Cowrie Cove for WAGW's Girls' Night Out party last night! I was with the awesomest Cebuan…

What breaks me will eventually make me stronger

Yes, I'm back there yet again.. back to that rotten hole that eats me up like iron oxide slowly corroding a strong steel. Sweeping me off my feet in a bad …

'cause baby you're my Kryptonite

I breathe you in and pangs of pain envelopes me. Your very presence is a stab of sharp, unadulterated bliss and my ability to elude proved futile so I yielded …

Rockin' it steady, baby are you ready?

I cannot remember the last time I had this much fun. We were rockin' it like rockstars by the roadside high up in the mountains. We were laughing like a bu…

When We Collide We Lose Ourselves, When We Collide We Break In Two..

When all is said and done, what more can you say to make it all happen again? And when you try to cling on to things that has gone adrift, but reality strikes …

Of Life, Love and Romance

I cannot begin to tell you how much I missed you lovelies, your wonderful blogs and my long straight hair. haha! Pardon the totally unrelated side comment but …

It's A Printed Matter

So I've been told that I'm sick, but it doesn't help that my lab results were all normal. So what is it, really? That, I will have to seek more ans…

Guest Blogger

Hi lovelies! Sorry I've been M.I.A. lately. There's just a lot of stuff going on right now and I can't seem to perfectly manage my time. gaaah. I&#…

I Will Rock This, No Matter What

new ring. new pink toy. my Pinkie is love. LOVE. Thanks Happy Pill. Left: my hair 3 years ago and the outcome that I expected Right: hair now :( and showcasing…

A Girlfriend's Birthday

Sorry if I've been MIA lately, lovelies. Had a crappy internet connection for one whole week, checking comments and posts through phone only (which made it…

This Tastes Like Isopropyl Alcohol

I am the kind of person who orders the same drink every time she visits a fave hangout. It's like I have this default list of drinks for each particular cl…

Drenched In Golden Light

Watch my SKINCARE UNBOXING VIDEO ! Brands from La Mer, Origins, and Jo Malone! For the past couple of days I've been obsessively checking my email for any …

We Screamed BREATHER Part 2

Watch my LA MER, ORIGINS, JO MALONE UNBOXING VIDEO ! Im sorry if I haven't been able to visit your blogs, lovelies. My laptop conked out on me again and I …

We Screamed BREATHER Part 1

My dad found the extra time to schedule this breather and I must say, it was definitely a weekend well spent! I have always been partial to Shangri-La Mactan b…

Gossip Girls

It was my first time in Cas i no Español de Cebu and I just fell in love with their interiors!  the Spanish floor tiles are love! Don't you just hate it …