For someone who is still in the process of putting together her dream wedding and eventually turning it into reality, finding that perfect little pre-wedding dinner dress is as hard as choosing the wedding dress itself. 

MsDressy: Old World Elegance

For someone who is still in the process of putting together her dream wedding and eventually turning it into reality, finding that perfect little pre-weddin…

Of weddings, floral dresses and pearls

every time i get invited to a wedding, what automatically comes to my mind are pearls and floral dresses. case and point: a post about my cousin's …

Weather Blues

< its a few days before the big Sinulog festival but the weather's been pretty bipolar lately. surely, an overcast is what most people would want …

At 28

time flies like an arrow, like how my 2012 went by in a blur. in times like this, growing up and getting old feels like joining a marathon where e…

imagine my delight when i tried on these palazzo pants i bought 2 years ago ( also worn here) and saw that it fits me once again. 3 months postpartum and i think its safe to say that im already back to my pre-pregnancy waistline. this worries me a bit since i dont plan on looking like my 25-year-old-stick-thin self again but its also a relief because it only means that i get to wear my old clothes. not too much of a wardrobe overhaul after giving birth and i couldn't be any happier.

wild child cropped top, palazzo pants - forever 21
nude sandals - charlotte russe

Wild Child

imagine my delight when i tried on these palazzo pants i bought 2 years ago ( also worn here ) and saw that it fits me once again. 3 months postpart…