on days when i don't feel like wearing a comfortable dress like THIS ONE while running errands, i turn to my fail-safe college days wash day uniform: Basic V-neck shirt and jeans. 
this is to answer an anonymous email i received 2 days ago. and because someone asked, i might just do throwback thursday fashion here on ze blog! but first things first, retrieve old files from long lost forgotten CDs. haha!

it's almost weekend! what are you guys up to?

More than casual

on days when i don't feel like wearing a comfortable dress like THIS ONE while running errands, i turn to my fail-safe college days wash day uni…

Sunstyle Outfit

remember the SUNTYLE fashion show i went to last April?


A fresh new style and a whole new look. Shoppers and fashionistas have a lot of exciting surprises to look forward to as The Maze Hipzone prepares t…

Hair and Make-Up

if you've read my TEASER post, i made mention that i was asked by a friend to grace their photoshoot for a bridal editorial. i got giddy of course …

on days when i am required to be the foreman and shopper (for construction materials) i wear the comfiest clothes i could find that doesn't spell disaster when i carry paint cans or garden pots. 

Between Days

on days when i am required to be the foreman and shopper (for construction materials) i wear the comfiest clothes i could find that doesn't spell disast…