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My skin care routine took me years to perfect.  I remember being 22 and absolutely clueless about what product goes with what, which product I should put on my face first, and what products to ditch because they aren't good for sensitive and combination skin.  


My skin care routine took me years to perfect.  I remember being 22 and absolutely clueless about what product goes with what, which product I should put on…


I am always on the lookout for great bargain finds-- house stuff, decors, shoes and clothes.   Nothing thrills me more than finding treasures at jaw-dropp…

M&S Personality Feature: Olive Puentespina, the cheesemaker's life and style

Her cheesemaking story started in Year 2000 with three goats, Marvin, Jolina and Rica, the onset of Olive’s husband-veterinarian collection of ruminants. Th…


If you’re like me who makes an effort to check a mall before their scheduled sale weekend, then I’m sure you’ve already dropped by The SM City Cebu, just …

Cebu Fashion Bloggers, Cebu Bloggers, cebu beauty blogger, cebu beauty bloggers, cebu lifestyle bloggers, asian blogger, cebu, philippines, cebu influencer, social media influencer, philippine bloggers, philippine fashion bloggers, toni pino-oca, Cebu Fashion Bloggers network, cebu fashion blogger, cebu bloggers society, cebu blogger, online shopping, fujifilm philippines, fujifilm xt-10, cebu style blogger, cebu style bloggers, cebu style blog, cebu mommy blogger, cebu mommy bloggers, cebu digital influencer, BEAUTY, Cebu Eye Lights Palette, Makeup GIveaway

Valentine's Day need not to be a celebration of the romantic kind of love only. In essence, it's a celebration of all kinds of love-- family, friends, pets, and life in general. In this case, I'm celebrating it with you, my readers. Some of you have been around since I started my blog in 2009 and I could really say that we've come a very long way. Without you guys, none of Perfumed Red Shoes' success would have been possible. So I want to THANK YOU all for sticking with me through the numerous blog domain changes, the long hiatuses, the im-in-a-rut-state-i-have-nothing-to-write times. You guys are the best!

Valentine's Day Giveaway: WIN a Becca Eye Lights Palette

Valentine's Day need not to be a celebration of the romantic kind of love only. In essence, it's a celebration of all kinds of love-- family, frie…