you get to do some household chores or go grocery shopping or simply compose a short blog post while keeping the little pumpkin close to you. wearing this sling can be quite a challenge at first since you need to find the best angle that is both comfortable for you and the baby but this piece of baby carrier awesomeness is a lifesaver especially to parents whose babies are as clingy as a tarsier to its favourite branch. and my Vania is definitely no different.


isn't it a big relief when you can just wear your baby like this? you get to do some household chores or go grocery shopping or simply compose a sh…

Think Pink

been slacking big time and i feel bad about not updating you guys regarding my MsDressy giveaway. i've been pretty busy with mommy dutie…

Mommy Diaries: Function and Style

grocery shopping with a baby in tow couldn't be more comfortable in this geometric print dress i scored while thrift shopping at the most inconspicu…

MsDressy: Old World Elegance

For someone who is still in the process of putting together her dream wedding and eventually turning it into reality, finding that perfect little pre-weddin…

every time i get invited to a wedding, what automatically comes to my mind are pearls and floral dresses. case and point: a post about my cousin's wedding from 2 years ago (see HERE). its a no-brainer really. another addition to my fail-safe outfits for certain occasions. 
so what do you usually wear to a wedding? 
share your thoughts and post your links below!

oh and, congratulations to the newlyweds, my close friend jane and her husband, mar. i wish you two lovebirds happiness, a successful marriage and lots of  babies!
welcome to the club!

Of weddings, floral dresses and pearls

every time i get invited to a wedding, what automatically comes to my mind are pearls and floral dresses. case and point: a post about my cousin's …