Godmother Goose

I hate how the sister would say with so much conviction that i look like a kindergarten teacher in this ensemble. but having known the clothing policy in our churches, i had no choice but to wear what had been the only option there ever was for me that day. be that as it may, i am still happy to say that i just added two adorable names to my growing list of godchildren; Danette and Dastan. Yes, boy and girls, they're twins! and a boy and a girl at that! How lucky could my friends be? Will post pictures of them soon, right after our planned mini photoshoot with Di, the mother, for them cutie pies.

on a different note, i will be flying to Manila with the family tomorrow for some important matter and it bums me out that i cant wear comfortable shorty short shorts. yes, i will never get tired of donning them and besides, this erratic weather is calling for all things short and comfy. but since i was told to wear something smart casual, and am not in my perfect shape and mindset to come up with something close to that, all i can say is.. good luck to me and my poor compliance in dress codes. hee!

thanks to the boy for these photos
  1. I love the whole outfit, ^^ what a lovely Ninang, ^^

  2. heyyy, you're coming to Manila? till when are you around for? :D

    boat ride through the sky

  3. Cute skirt! You´re one chic Ninang to reckon with. ;)

  4. A VERY ADORABLE kindergarten teacher, though. :)

  5. lovely blog you got here
    love your skirt ♥

  6. I love your outfit, Toni! I especially like your skirt, cute! :)

    Lee of [Caffeinated Epiphanies]

  7. i love the outfit, its so pretty. its been terribly hot lately here but today all of a sudden it's been raining like crazy, so good luck! :)

  8. your shoes are amazing!



  9. Love your skirt! :)

